IMD GmbH – Cologne, Germany

Your partner for industrial assembly & disassembly in the Rhineland and Europe

IMD GmbH, based in Cologne, Germany, was formed in 2021 from experienced specialists in technical installations. We ensure smooth processes in large industrial plants and power plants as well as in medium-sized trade & commerce through many years of expertise in planning, assembly, maintenance and disassembly.

We know: Time is money. That’s why we ensure that downtimes of your infrastructure are kept to an absolute minimum. The rapid resumption of regular operations and the avoidance of installation-related downtime is always a particular focus for us.

Our project managers and assemblers are experienced, certified experts who are also regularly trained to the latest standards in the areas of safety, durability and environmental protection. If you choose IMD GmbH, you will have a central contact person. This guarantees smooth communication and clean implementation of your project.

This way we save you time, money and nerves.

Montage / Demontage Industrie & Gewerbe


We accompany you along the entire way: from project planning to electrical and
mechanical industrial assembly / industrial disassembly to commissioning and maintenance.

Our team’s many years of experience ensure that your project is in good hands with us:
You can rely on efficient and effective assembly / disassembly by qualified employees.
Through workflow-optimized processes, we adhere to the specified time and cost schedules.
Cost-intensive downtimes are thus effectively minimized.

IMD GmbH offers state-of-the-art technology and solid craftsmanship.
Through comprehensive expertise and continuous further training of our project managers
and fitters, we ensure that your project is a success.

Rohrleitungen Montage Demontage - Köln Bonn


IMD GmbH offers you innovative technology and rock-solid craftsmanship in the field of pipeline construction. Through comprehensive expertise and continuous training of our project managers and pipeline builders, we ensure that your project will be a success.

  • Project preparation / Project planning: capacity planning, scheduling, disposition of resources & personnel

  • Pipeline construction: from individual components to complete plants, bracket construction as well as coatings
  • Dismantling of pipelines in compliance with all legal requirements as well as disposal of all components and residues in accordance with regulations
  • Maintenance: execution of all maintenance, servicing and repair work in power plants as well as commercial and industrial plants


If a supply of clean breathing air cannot be sufficiently guaranteed, it must be continuously exchanged by modern ventilation technology through a supply of outside air and removal of contaminated or used air. State-of-the-art ventilation systems from IMD GmbH provide breathing air that is free of harmful hazardous substances.

  • Assembly, disassembly and disposal according to legal requirements

  • Energy-efficient ventilation technology is easy on the wallet and ensures optimal working conditions

  • All-round service for commercial & industrial plants as well as for public buildings

  • Individual planning & installation as well as highest technical standards meet every requirement

Lüftungsanlagen Montage Demontage - Köln Bonn
Schallschutz Montage / Demontage Köln - Bonn


Processes and vibrations generate unavoidable noise emissions in commercial and industrial facilities. Noise protection in industrial and commercial areas is therefore becoming increasingly important. Especially in mixed-use areas, where industry and commerce border on residential areas, noise control measures are required.

  • Undistracted work increases employee productivity

  • Improved work safety by increased attention

  • Reduced noise pollution reduces absence due to sickness

  • We offer modern noise protection solutions: Sound enclosures, sound booths, doors, gates and windows as well as integrated noise insulation in intake and exhaust systems, as well as silencers and sound enclosures


Both heat loss and cold loss mean higher costs for the operators of technical facilities in addition to a deterioration of working conditions. Our insulation solutions help reduce these losses by improving energy efficiency. This frees up funds for important investments and also significantly reduces the manufacturing costs of products.

  • Professional solutions for water pipes, fittings, pumps, tanks, air ducts, heat distribution systems as well as heating systems

  • Individual solutions made of rubber, mineral wool, rigid foam or foam rubber

  • Dismantling, refurbishment or maintenance as well as disposal according to legal requirements

Isolierung Montage & Demontage - Köln / Bonn
Korrosionsschutz Montage & Demontage - Köln / Bonn


Damage caused by corrosion significantly shortens the service life of components in industry & commerce. As a result, there is a risk of safety problems, production downtimes and expensive maintenance costs. The specialists of IMD GmbH advise and support you in the matter of “Modern Corrosion Protection”.

  • Structural corrosion protection through structural measures

  • Passive corrosion protection through modern surface coatings

  • Active corrosion protection based on cathodic or anodic corrosion protection

  • Cathodic and anodic corrosion protection processes and use of inhibitors


A fire event often leads to an almost uncontrollable cascade of further consequences: You lose your market presence and the trust of your customers, customers migrate to your competitors and in the long run you lose valuable skilled employees. Our fire protection experts secure your technical infrastructure, products and employees and thus also the existence and competitiveness of your company.

  • Professional fire protection for technical facilities, inventories and employees

  • Individual solutions guarantee low operating costs while providing optimal protection against fire damage

  • Planning, installation & maintenance of your fire protection systems

  • Dismantling of obsolete fire protection systems and professional disposal

Brandschutzanlagen Montage & Demontage - Köln / Bonn
Kontakt zu IMD GmbH, Köln

Let us advise you well!

The specialists at IMD GmbH ensure professional coordination, organization and implementation of all those countless project details that are fundamental to trouble-free processes. This way, you can concentrate on the essentials without being disturbed: Your core business!

Would you like to learn more about our services in the field of industrial assembly / disassembly, do you have any questions or would you like to discuss a specific project?

Then call +49 (0)2236 – 3057214 or 0152 – 09137953 or »write us an eMail.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Your team of IMD GmbH, Cologne